Thursday, May 29, 2014

Children’s Day 2014: Treasure our Children

Children’s Day 2014: Treasure our Children

Figure 1 photo credit

       As many of us have experienced throughout our lifetimes, there are days internationally reserved to specific topics to draw awareness/advocacy or simply to honor a memory. Many days are highly publicized making them more popular than others, and many with their own right. We’ve recently celebrated Memorial Day and it’s a day I’m sure all can empathize with; whether you’ve known someone in the battle, were a part of it yourself, or was just touched by the actions and efforts of your fellow countrymen. It is certainly a day to be recognized and (one I personally think) should rightfully be done internationally.
       But there are other important observances that go unnoticed every year; they are under publicized, uncelebrated and go without any recognition and the sad part about it is that those days are usually those observed for the rights, well-being, and education of children. I couldn’t help but wonder if the reason for those aren’t because, on a larger scale (judging by the insights of a majority) children’s issues are ‘seemingly’ marginal or does it just truly reflect what we as human beings in today’s societies value; ourselves.
       On this past May 11 our nation, like others (whether before or after) celebrated Mother’s Day; another day rightfully observed for all the hard work, perseverance, and stress (just to name a few) that mothers (like myself!) go through. There were plenty of advertisements ‘reminding’ us of the observed day and the things we could do to either support mothers and their struggle or to celebrate others. But also observed in May that has already come to pass was Brothers & Sisters Day/ Baby Day on May 2 and while the International Day of Families did have some ‘clout’ I can’t help, but wonder once again if it isn’t due to the fact that once more, adults were involved rather than it just being a celebration of children.  Then again, as I have thought of this I’m sure someone else has already and thus; Children’s Day was born, to bring light to the most innocent part of humanity that is probably the most abused/neglected because of size and age.

      But unlike other highly publicized observances that usually call upon a need to show support through donations or gifts I simply urge others to make yourselves more aware of the issues that are plaguing our world and to resonate closer to home, our nation. Did you all know that there is still child labor happening in the U.S? I’m sure most of you have heard of those children who aren’t allowed to purchase or smoke tobacco, picking tobacco leaves for profits, either way check out the Human Rights Watch! Among us are many evils lurking that many of us, myself included, thought were long gone. Awareness is the key to put a stop to these injustices for our fellow peers, as has touched the case of those children and the unfortunate one of the seven year old who died after becoming ill in a school with no nurse, who may have been able to discern the seriousness of the situation. There are many different topics to choose from and while I can only encourage self-awareness, spreading the word is the only way to kill this disease plaguing our world and nation so that we may begin to ‘treasure our children’ sincerely. 

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