Thursday, April 24, 2014

National Poem In Your Pocket Day

My Pledge of Allegiance to Me

There’s more to me than the human eye can see.
I’m a woman of purpose and destiny.

A perfect design, I’m special and unique.
I won’t be identified by the parts that make
up my physique.

My beauty is not defined by my skin or my hair
and my soul has more value than
 the clothes that I wear.

I’m not a symbol of pleasure or sex appeal;
I have the natural ability to comfort
and the power to heal.

When God made me, He created a gem
because He fashioned me in the likeness of Him.

I refuse to do anything that will put God to shame.
I deserve to be treated with reverence
and called by my name.

I can’t be purchased or sold at any price
because I’ve already been bought and paid
for by the precious blood of Christ!

Written by Letitia L. Hodge

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