Saturday, October 12, 2013

Touchy Aren’t We!!!

       Yesterday after reading a post about a woman who decided it wasn't necessary to bathe her baby every day or even every week! She said she was incited to write her blog post when she realized that she couldn't remember the last time she used her four month olds bath tub. After reading her blog post and checking out the recommended views of interviews she had I decided to publish my own blog post, which many of you have read 'Thank God Your Not My Mom' and shared it with my Google plus page and communities that I thought would at least respect and appreciate a difference of opinion, but I was wrong. Apparently member of Google plus 'Go to Parents Community' were not pleased with my objective points of view within a post I responded to by a fellow community member. In his post he linked the very same article by Claire Goss, but I guess when he asked for different points of view on this "outrage" he meant the fact that people, like myself, found it to be an outrage that people don't think it necessary to bathe children habitually or themselves. Yes, I realize that babies aren't as active as the rest of us, so they probably don't sweat as much and accumulate dirt and grime on their skins as toddlers and adolescents do, still they are human and they do sweat regardless of whether or not it is noticed. I had the same gentleman who I made the 'horrid mistake' of responding to his post take offense because I didn't agree with his point of view and from their began with condescending remarks like ' Well in the Caribbean its hot so babies would need to bathe, but we have AC'. After I kindly reminded him that the U.S Virgin Islands is no third world country and we do have AC as well as many other materialistic things (like Benz, BMW's, and we spend 'Benjamin's'), but I soon realized that no matter what was said on my part this was a lynch mob out to get the island girl. After a while I just became a spectator within the conversation as people continuously kept mentioning me in their condescending remarks, and honestly just to piss them off I keep repeating what we all in the Caribbean knows, not bathing your child regularly is NEGLECT. I guess they felt the need to justify their own actions for not one of the seven people leading this lynch mob bothered to comment on the discussion at hand, Claire Goss neglecting her baby a bath for over a week, but their own practices. Justifying their beliefs with the excuse that it may cause dry skin, well from what I've seen dry skin must appear if skin is not regularly hydrated; water. The pediatricians that advise parents to do this, don't say that they should, only that it's ok for three days out of the week, but of course the American people decided to take it to church and that is where it is being held. I sincerely would like to ask my readers, anonymously of course, do you all practice not bathing your child for a week or more like Claire Goss, and if not but you do practice it, what would be considered by you and your standards an appropriate ratio in which it isn't necessary to bathe children. Thanks for your thoughts and responses so far; looking forward to reading more!!
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