
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Children Are Dying

           For some of you this may hit a little closer to home than it does for me, but we all know that any blow of these circumstances can change anyone. There has been a recent rash of shootings and deaths within our territory, the U.S Virgin Islands, within the past two weeks. While there where no fatalities known to me of infants and toddlers, children are still dying. Regardless of their age, many teenagers, adolescents, and even college goer's are still children and we are loosing them to drugs, violence, and other spoils of poverty. I found out two days ago that a young man that I watched grow up died from fatal gun shot wounds. At first I questioned it, saying it seemed so highly unlikely. But then I saw condolences from the community and was too scared to offer my own, out of fear. What can you truly tell one who has lost a loved one? What could be said that wouldn't sound commercial or generic? what could you say to ease the pain? Throughout my tenure in this life I've meet this situation before, but it never gets better; one can never truly know the right words.
        It would benefit us a society/community to come together in these situations and to prevent these situations from happening. While many efforts are being made in forms of marches and picketing to prevent violence and drug abuse, but we can't just say it we need show it too. Reliable drug abuse and violence programs need be implemented in nurturing environments to promote progression, this is something that is also lacking within our systems. Creating rehabilitation centers and learning institutions in stagnant, violent environments cannot possibly promote progression, as is the intent of these institutions.  To quote one of my favorite artists, 'if you speak about it then you should be about it not just preach about it all day'; we all have a part to play. 
        There are still many of whom deserve recognition for showing resilience toward the 'wave of oppression' and empowering others along the way. Many of those whose story is and will never be heard; it is a shame that only the 'bad' news gets the major headlines and publicity, yet we wonder why the up and coming generations see it fit to live their lives in the influentially negative  manners that they choose. Like all learning skills that develop over time these behaviors are facilitated, by society and its member; all of us, we are the oppressors for we allow it to happen and we promote it. We, members of society are the light that shines, whether on the good or the bad we choose and our choices have lead us to a dark future for our children. The time to promote, encourage, and uplift our children and ourselves as individuals and nations is here; the actions we take now will determine tomorrow and the way we choose to live the rest of our lives.

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