
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Virgin Islands Character; What Once Was

Virgin Islands Character; What Once Was
As a child growing up  in the Virgin Islands I was afforded opportunities to observe the inner workings  social or extra curricula activities within the territory and their benefits. I recognized that all pageants, leagues and institutional organizations all had one thing in common;  they facilitated opportunities for adolescents to obtain and build character building skills which can help them with personal growth. Basketball and baseball leagues valued character. All students had to be in good standing within their various school communities This also provided opportunities f or children without privilege to learn and develop character building traits necessary to become productive members of society. To build habits like punctuality, dressing formal, taking pride in their appearance and work ( school or work whatever that maybe).

Young men once had ample opportunities to build character and integrity, learning the many other ways to earn respect but most importantly they learned respect for themselves. Young girls were too given ample opportunities to learn how to become ladies, and shine equally amongst their adolescent peers through various sports and organizations regardless of gender. Their opportunities facilitated hope for other young girls within the territory as well as illustrated to member of our society the importance of such organizations. But the lack of consideration for many of these character building traits leaves adolescents and parents with a lack of appreciation for these traits and our schools with the ethical dilemmas of how to proceed. Do they bother to solve it at all? How can teachers and administrators within the institution of education help foster skills that should have been introduced and reinforced at home first?

Sincerely, I don’t think they can without meaningful parental involvement and collaboration between families and the school. Calling and texting a teacher is a form of informal communication that can be very beneficial in many areas but it is not enough. Waiting until report cards are issued to buckle down on studies does not work, more importantly my fellow parents making excuses for you child does not work (even if you’re the excuse!). It is time to reteach to our children through role modeling everyday how to be responsible and take responsibility for their actions. Admit that it is your fault and work to find ways to rectify it through collaborating with teachers or the administration; extra credit, or community service does attribute to their academic standing as well as character traits.
Rather than illustrating the ignorance that has become synonymous with our citizens in recent generations. Solidarity and integrity have always been vital components of our culture;  Virgin Islanders lets make it a priority to embrace our own traditions rather than reforming to those of our national neighbors.
The views expressed within the blog are solely those of Ms. Child Advocate and does not reflect on any of her affiliations. For more on the U.S Virgin Islands youths read Curriculum ChoicesLearning Environment & Strategies, My Beliefs on Language Acquisition,  Respect Goes Both Ways: Teacher and Student