
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Congresswoman’s Daughter Was Victimized; Not Considered in Hacker's Actions

Normally I try not to blog about things that I feel personally about unless it is pertinent, like issues regarding education and educators within the U. S Virgin Islands and since it is summer I thought I would give myself a much needed break from the dual work that I have chosen to engage in to actually take the time to smell the roses (so to speak) but instead I cannot stop thinking about this ordeal about our delegate to congress and how her private family moments where hacked. I am also too sure that most of the reason why myself, along with others, cannot seem to ignore or let this atrocity die is because every major news outlet in the territory feels the need to update and rewrite articles already published to continually feed the masses. Well here is my major concern that I am sure no one else cares about (or at least seemingly) how do you all think that the child feels?
U. S Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett and her husband
The child that became a political pawn because she was having fun with her parents, something that many children within our territory do not have the comfort of and many of whom will never have those same luxuries; how do you think their child feels. How would you as a child feel after being used in your most vulnerable moments, exploited at such a young age, or do we think that because she is young she will get over it and may not fully understand the implications made? That is possible, but highly implausible as she is completely aware of her surrounding and developmentally progressing appropriately. So I ask again, why do we as a society, as a community, as Pulitzer prize winning newspapers, and editors in chief continually fan this fire and feed it? The negativity that looms over because of this cloud is a little heart wrenching to me because this could have been worse for all concerned including the child had it been deemed that the video was inappropriate and that she needed to be removed from her home, this too could be misconstrued by children as the school year is set to begin soon and we all know how children can be. This is my plea to everyone that has since obtained this video or any of the pictures leaked, delete them and denounce the nonsense that is taking over in our communities. This is not the first straw, I have heard many stories countless other women victimized in the same manner some were as young as teens and if we do not denounce it now it will continually grow. Let’s not wait until this come in the form of a suicide of a teen or young adult that couldn’t bear the pressure from sinister jokes; let us as a community not sit by and watch children become victims for their parent’s cause if we do can you truly say that you and your children will be safe in the next wave of attacks?

The views expressed within the blog are solely those of Ms. Child Advocate and does not reflect on any of her affiliations. For more on the U.S Virgin Islands youths read PTA, Parent Committee, & Volunteering: Get Involved , Too Much Violence: USVI Shootings Near Preschools, USVI Shootings Near Preschool's 2, and Respect Goes Both Ways: Teacher and Student