
Monday, April 28, 2014

So Carnival Warrants Closing School Now?!

So Carnival Warrants Closing School Now?!

As a native and longtime resident of the U..S.V.I I was shocked to find out that there wouldn’t be any public school for the entire last week of this year’s Carnival events. 

I will assume that this is at least a part of why school teachers are rallying against the government. As a student, some ten years ago, when I attended public school students were given a vacation period similar to that of adult government employees’; attend school regularly and on Food Fair (usually a Wednesday) schools would end early (half day) and the rest of the week was Carnival vacation for students participating in Carnival activities or those who choose not to partake at all. 

            With this schedule everyone was allotted time to enjoy the festivities while most business offices made accommodations for their clients for the short vacation period. No parent needed to take time off to stay home with their child, or find/pay a babysitter (which can be hard during the festivities), nor did employers become short staffed due to unforeseen circumstances (a bunch of parents with no help!). No parent would be in danger of/ or losing their jobs and maybe, just maybe, a lot of public school teachers wouldn’t be upset for having to give up two weeks or more of their vacation time.

            While I don’t want to be misunderstood, this is not me criticizing the government for their decision for they are the policy makers and are qualified to do so, but why make such a change/ shift with such a problem (as teachers protesting extra days), when this could’ve easily been an opportunity to elevate at least some of the pressure and tension of the situation by subtracting a few more days?

            Furthermore, I also wonder if any of the public school teachers have any say on the matter as it pertains to the Carnival season or if it was sanctioned by requests from faculty and staff members of our public educational institutions. I mean, since it is them who are being done ‘injustice’. 

This is the opinion of Ms. Child Advocate and doesn't reflect the views of the preschool or other community activities she engages in or works for. Any questions or comments are welcomed and appreciated and can be sent to or can be left on our blog website, 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

National Poem In Your Pocket Day

My Pledge of Allegiance to Me

There’s more to me than the human eye can see.
I’m a woman of purpose and destiny.

A perfect design, I’m special and unique.
I won’t be identified by the parts that make
up my physique.

My beauty is not defined by my skin or my hair
and my soul has more value than
 the clothes that I wear.

I’m not a symbol of pleasure or sex appeal;
I have the natural ability to comfort
and the power to heal.

When God made me, He created a gem
because He fashioned me in the likeness of Him.

I refuse to do anything that will put God to shame.
I deserve to be treated with reverence
and called by my name.

I can’t be purchased or sold at any price
because I’ve already been bought and paid
for by the precious blood of Christ!

Written by Letitia L. Hodge

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Happy Earth-day Everyone! At the link below you can find out just what is Earth Day and how you can get involved. Remember the children are our futures so they need knowledge of how to abide by the earth or else we will continue on the path of destruction that has lead us to the state we are currently in. Participate and get involved!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Children's Corner; Easter Poetry

Easter Joy
Jesus came to earth,
To show us how to live,
How to put others first,
How to love and how to give.
Then He set about His work,
That God sent Him to do;
He took our punishment on Himself;
He made us clean and new.
He could have saved Himself,
Calling angels from above,
But He chose to pay our price for sin;
He paid it out of love.
Our Lord died on Good Friday,
But the cross did not destroy
His resurrection on Easter morn
That fills our hearts with joy.
Now we know our earthly death,
Like His, is just a rest.
We'll be forever with Him
In heaven, where life is best.
So we live our lives for Jesus,
Think of Him in all we do.
Thank you Savior; Thank you Lord.
Help us love like you!
By Joanna Fuchs

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Children's Corner; Poetry

The Day

It hangs on its
                stem like a plum
at the edge of a
               darkening thicket.

It’s swelling and
               blushing and ripe
and I reach out a
               hand to pick it

but flesh moves
               slow through time
and evening
               comes on fast

and just when I
               think my fingers
might seize that
               sweetness at last

the gentlest of
               breezes rises
and the plum lets
               go of   the stem.

And now it’s my
               fingers ripening
and evening that’s
               reaching for them.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Children's Corner; Poetry

Earth Day

I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass,
Each honey tree,
Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone
Is blood and muscle,
Skin and bone.

And just as I
Need every bit
Of me to make
My body fit,
So Earth needs
Grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here

That’s why we
Celebrate this day.
That’s why across
The world we say:
As long as life,
As dear, as free,
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.


Monday, April 14, 2014

How well do you know child's teachers?!

While taking my son on our usual route around a block in our neighborhood which houses a primary school and a head start (among what used to be) we both happened upon two things that astonished us both. The first was a tamarind tree that I used to frequent in my youth! While passing by what seemed to be a patch of trees I could help but pick up one off the ground to give my baby a taste, but he bit off more than he could chew literally! After seeing his excitement for a fruit he’d only tasted once, I decided to try the remainder for myself and boy was I happy. It had been so long since I’d tasted the fruit from ‘these’ trees that I had forgotten how truly sweet they were. While picking up more tamarinds to carry back home with us, or eat on the way, I happened upon my second surprise of the morning which was seemed as unpleasant as it felt uneasy for me to hear.
It was the sound of a woman yelling; yelling to what seemed as if it were the top of her lungs. Because of our initial distance we decided to move closer, contemplating on whether there were any reasons for the school to be conducting a program (of which such noise is customary due to microphones and speakers) although it was too soon to be an Easter program, but way too early to be anything else.  Upon our arrival at the back of the building I heard what I am ashamed to say was by ‘man’s definition’ a woman, a teacher, yelling at a student to the top of her lungs. While I was unaware of the actual/ initial reason for such I did ‘over hear’ hear telling ‘Jaquan’ to “look at me while I’m speaking to you”, “answer me”, and “I am the adult here”.

I swayed my head in dismay as I stood to listen and try to figure out which grade and teacher was this situation taking place? I knew that the school houses primary grades k-3 and most kindergarten classes where held in the same building, but so where a first grade and a computer lab of which all teachers and students have access to and utilize periodically according to schedules. No matter which way I played the scenario it just didn’t seem fit for a teacher to be yelling at primary students of this nature, especially within a classroom. As I stood listening to the ‘teacher’ in question I realized that I had been spotted by another teacher, of whom I’d like to believe was probably having the same thoughts with regards to the boisterous teacher alienating her student. As I walked away I could see the look of other staff members outside listening almost intently but not budging to intervene, I wondered how well do we really know our children’s teachers?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Poetry For Women (By Women, About Women, For Women)

Our Children

Fleeting moments in time
The days speed by so fast,
The babes we cradled once
Seem so far in the past.

Our children so vibrant
With toys and games galore,
Endless days of playing
But now there's something more.

The need to help others,
To be responsible,
Expanding their boundaries,
Growing knowledgeable.

Incredible insights
To solve the world's woes,
So simple the answers
That these young persons know.

Our children's growing minds,
They look through caring eyes,
I have hope for the world,
In them the future lies.

— Karen Lynne Nivens

Preschool Suspensions???

     There have been many reports of the Department of Educations  report on discipline in preschools (public schools) highlighting what many of us already knew before the report came out; black students are treated unfairly among their peers. The real question is why? Why are kids in preschool being suspended? What actions did they display to determine such a punishment for suspension? It is highly unlikely that they posed some form of threat to others or themselves, or even that their characters are so overbearing at such a young age. What criteria is used to determine the suspension of students four and five years of age? 

     After scouring the internet for such a criteria to no avail, I decided to try different news reports and sources since they are undoubtedly more resourceful in matters that span across the country or globe. After a thorough research  we've noted little to no mention of such guidelines being used, but educational facilities or their administrators to determine whether or not the actions of a pupil (in preschool) should/ could sanction such disciplinary actions. In fact, the data nor anyone else has explained just why students where being suspended. They did however highlight the same quotes from Department of Educations Secretary, Arne Duncan, as well as a principal from an elementary in Memphis and other advocates statements'. 

     I'd dare to say that we are being a little Hippocratic, the reason for that being whats the sense in advertising across the country that things aren't working and need to change without first pinpointing the problem. The problem isn't that teachers/administrators serve children unfairly or unjust but that the system is too. With all the information presented the Department of Education's report, someone could decipher exactly where the problem lies. Maybe it is some piece of legislation or policy that isn't written clear or maybe it just needs to be amended to suit pupils who are age appropriate. The fact still remains just advertising it alone will not help, for it was always well known.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Poetry For Women (For Women, By Women, About Women)

A Womans Worth

She gave life. She is a wife.
She is a mother and she is a friend.
She is a sister a survivor to the end.

Appreciate her, we don’t dare.
Ask her worries, we don’t care.
Wipe away her tears, they are invisible as air.

She works cooks and clean.
She laughs, helps comfort, and hides her pain.
When you struggle she pulls you through

All this is she and what do we do?
Complain and create a mess.
Provide stress and leave her feeling depressed..
Push her away and ignore her advice.
Tell her she is nothing without thinking twice.

She was raped tortured and abused.
Told she was nothing and would always be used just for pleasure forget her pain.

She swallows her pride, put her feelings aside.
Does as you need in order for you to be free.
Ignores your ignorance and tolerates your flaws.
You call her Bitch, Slut, Hoe and Tramp
She answers with pride dignity and a complete loss of self.
You call her nothing.
I call her Strong, Smart, Sensual, Caring, Giving, Surviving, Tolerant and powerful
I call her WOMAN!

© Ashanti Holliday                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Source:
Family Friend Poems